Being breastfeeding week I feel I should write something from a different perspective from someone who has come out on the other side. While the…

During the last weekend of November 21 of us spent 4 days learning to teach babywearing. We had none other than the lovely Jay Mcmillin…

Happy World Breastfeeding week! Do have a look at a recent interview I did with Kidsstoppress for breastfeeding week, some frequently asked questions have been…

Most parents to be are overwhelmed when it comes to shopping for their unborn child. How is it that one so little can need so much…

So… my second and last baby turned one and well, I am no longer going to have a baby again. Though I LOVED the newborn…

Baby A turns 1 year in 4 days! And what a year it’s been. I have totally enjoyed being with him learning and re-learning with…

My husband Sumit and I did a lot of holidays to foreign destinations before we had our children. That was always the plan. To cram…

Baby A turns 7 months old tomorrow. I am astonished at how well BLW is going for us. I cannot believe the way his poop…

I have been thinking of starting baby led weaning with baby # 2 long before he was born. A few days before he turned 6…

My first son was sleeping quite well until we hit the 4 month mark. At that point of course I was clueless, had never heard…

When Tina Nandi Stephens from Born In Bombay birth photography said she wanted to do a breastfeeding photo shoot i immediately got in touch. I…

Happy Breastfeeding week! I wrote this article for this awesome breastfeeding ebook by Baby Chakra and you can access it here. Babies are hardwired to…

They say parenting the second time around is easier. There couldn’t be truer words spoken and the reason is you learn from your mistakes and…

Before I started writing this I gave a lot of thought to why I wanted to birth at home with my second baby. I don’t…

I get email almost every day asking me to review this and that. Unfortunately I don’t do reviews unless I use the product, as I…

Many of us start off knowing we want to breastfeed. First we set ourselves the 6-month exclusive target, then one year, and then some of…

The toddler years pass by in a blur of colds, coughs, fevers, teething related ailments and other infections. There was a time (before I took…

Let me start by saying that I have no regrets with stuff I did the first time round. I have learnt and changed so much….

We travelled with our 20 month old for three weeks. Our total flying time must have been over 45 hours and may I remind you…

This post on hormones and possible imbalances after nursing for many months has got a lot of hits ever since I posted it. It’s got…