The Minimalistic New Baby Shopping List

The Minimalistic New Baby Shopping List

Most parents to be are overwhelmed when it comes to shopping for their unborn child.
How is it that one so little can need so much they ask?
Online lists go into pages and friends will send you lists that seem rather large too.
Well I am about to add to your misery. I have sent 4 of these lists out in the past couple of months to friends and family who are about to or have recently had babies. The whole aim of sending out this list was to make the point that as new parents with a new baby you don’t really need stuff. These are a few things I considered essentials and a lot of the gadgets/ gizmos/ plastic that new parents invest in that according to me are a sheer waste

I’m not much of a shopper at all and not into stuff. The only things I keep buying for the boys are books, my weakness.

According to my parenting philosophy I don’t really think a baby needs all that much.
Even my cloth diaper stash is very minimalistic: 14 diapers in all from the very beginning for full time cloth diapering.
I know it looks like I am buying baby wearing gear all the time from my instagram and Facebook posts, but I am not, most of them are testers and fluff sent for trials.

Have a look at some of the stuff I really feel are essentials (and the only things I used the second time I had a baby):

1. New born clothes 8 sets plus you will get lots of gifts.
2. 0-3 months clothes: couple of sets
3. Baby towels. 2-3
4. Receiving blanket: 1

Out and about:
5. Sling – ergonomic baby carrier or wrap – Can’t recommend this enough. Will do a separate post on this soon with links. I found baby wearing far more useful than a pram or stroller with my boys. They much preferred to be worn.
6. Nursing cover – I don’t use one anymore and barely used it for baby#2. I just got really used to feeding anywhere to bother, but recommend it highly for a first time mom who may feel slightly conscious of NIP (nursing in public) but shouldn’t.
7. Carry cot was useful to me. A little bassinet kind of thing that I kept in the living room or took with me at times when baby napped while we were out. That’s only for a baby till 3 months or so. But it definitely helps a new mom to be out and about rather than being isolated.
8. Nursing tops
9. Diaper bag
10. Car Seat.

11. Baby nail cutter and comb – those little nails grow fast!
12. Baby bath and shampoo – I love Himalaya baby products.
13. Baby bather
14. Lots of napkins for spit up
15. Diapers: Do read up on cloth diapering here and here.
16. Changing mats: if you have place in your house then sure go for a changing table, if not then set up a diaper changing station at available surface. I keep a basket with essentials and set it up on the bed when needed.
17. Vaseline if you are using disposables to put on baby’s bum in between diaper changes
18. Cotton and baby wipes. I just use wet cotton to clean.

Feeding equipment:
I would highly recommend from a lactation councilor point of view to hold off introducing a bottle for 6 weeks or so. Rather than buying bottles, keep the number of a good lactation consultant handy if you plan on breastfeeding just incase trouble crops up.
19. Paleda / vati chamach. It’s good to have atleast one alternate feeding method around. A paleda or a vati chamach (bowl and spoon) is a better alternative to bottles in the beginning.
20. Basic automated breast pump. Always good to own a breast pump to boost supply if needed/ if you are leaving baby even for a little bit.
21. Breast milk storage bags – this can always be bought at a later stage but it’s very important if you plan to go back to work so that you can start early on to build a stash. If you’re not planning to go back to work in the near future then this is not really needed.
22. Diaper bag

I don’t believe a cot is useful. You could put off buying it for later. Personally I truly believe in the benefits of co-sleeping.
23. Baby blanket
24. Baby Monitor: I have a simple audio monitor and I find it very useful for the times that hubby and I are in the living room and baby is asleep in the bedroom.

From personal experience newborns definitely don’t need toys. They need responsive adults around them who wear them, feed them, talk to them, sing to them and love them.

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to add to this list if you feel I have missed out on something you absolutely loved.

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