
Though the evolutionary lifestyle is gaining momentum in the West, it’s still pretty much unheard of in India.

So it gives me pleasure to say that my efforts have attracted a couple of newspapers to cover the lifestyle, as well as my current topics closes to my heart : breastfeeding, babywearing and gentle birthing

Times Of india – September 18 2012 – Eat like a Caveman

DNA – July 29 2012 – Living life the Primal Way

Born in Bombay – World Breastfeeding Week – In conversation with Aloka

Babywearing and the Mumbai Sling Library – Timeworn babywearing trend of wrapping tots in slings returns.

Wholesome Mamma made it to the top ten mommy blogs on Shimply as well as on Baby Go Go on two consecutive days!

Article in Times of India on Sunday, July 17th, carried a story on homebirths and the need for midwives, and carried my picture and quotes. So proud to see a story like this in the mainstream.
Newspaper cutting 
Link to Article

Kidsstoppress a premium kids lifestyle website featured me for breastfeeding 101 during breastfeeding week 2016

The Tara Sharma Show on Star World a wonderful parenting platform on TV, had me on the parenting Pow Wow section talking about Gentle birthing and being a lactation counseling. Here’s the youtube link of the entire episode.

2 Responses

  1. Rishika
    Rishika / 5-6-2017 / ·

    Hi! Rishika here. I am conducting a research on the margarine category. Wish to know the kind of concerns that people raise over butter and the queries they have on brands like Nutralite and AMUL Lite. Would add greatly to my study. Do respond in case you have any valuable queries to add to my study database.

  2. prafullshivgan
    prafullshivgan / 12-27-2017 / ·


    I am looking for posting topic on “Energy bars are the best snaking option”. & “Pregnancy Diet Plan ”
    Please let me know are you interested in this topic I can send you copy of content for your review.


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